Grandma's Homemade Apple Crisp

This recipe was a big part of my childhood. Grandma always made sure to have apple crisp whenever I was there; she knew how much I loved it and I think she loved making it for me.

Apple crisp brings back so many happy memories. I can still see the last memory like it happened yesterday. The look on her face when I got excited to have a piece of apple crisp. Her smile always warmed my heart.

The recipe was simple but always made from the heart.

Grandma's Homemade Apple Crisp Recipe by Terra Kelly


Since apples hold a big part of childhood memories, I love adding apple conversations and recipes in my books.

In the Man Card Series, books eight through twelve you can enjoy some serious apple love at Appleton Farm. Hint: there may be some fried apple pies with cream cheese waiting for you. Of course, there are also cider donuts, cinnamon rolls with diced apples, and even fried apple pie with hard cider. So good!

In My Candy Apple (Man Card Book Twelve) we do talk about apple crisp. The moment the recipe was mentioned I knew we needed to enjoy grandma’s delicious recipe.

Grandma's Homemade Apple Crisp Recipe by Terra Kelly

In the Man Card Series Appleton Farm books, I share about my family’s apple farm in my hometown. Well, that’s not the only reason I fell in love with apples at a very early age.

My love also was started because of those two amazing souls with me in the photo. I loved spending so much time with my Grandma and Grandpa, and I especially loved helping them in the kitchen.

Grandma and Grandpa loved sweet treats. Grammy made all our favorite recipes. My favorite was apple crisp. When I was living in Tucson, Arizona, they actually sent me a couple care packages of the amazing treat. It was one of the best moments for me, having a piece of home while still on the other side of the country.

Grandma's Homemade Apple Crisp Recipe by Terra Kelly


In November 2019, I kicked off this food blog by sharing a piece of me.

The last time I had my favorite recipe was September of 2018. Hubby and I were visiting Michigan (we’re both from there), and we spent the weekend with Grandma. She was 94 and had trouble standing for long periods of time, but she made us her apple crisp. A few months before the trip we had changed our diet and cut out sweets. When I discovered Gram had made it just for me, well… I couldn’t say no. Like hubby said, “When your Grandma makes you her special apple crisp, you eat it.”

It was the best weekend and the best apple crisp.

Eight months later, in May of 2019, I lost my Grandma.

It took me a few years to be able to finally make the recipe again. Every time I make apple crisp I know Grandma is with me and she is happy because I’m happy.

I hope you love this recipe just as much as we all have over the years.

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Grandma's Homemade Apple Crisp Recipe by Terra Kelly
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Can I use almond flour instead of wheat flour? I love apple crisp but a coworker needs it to be gluten free.
Terra Kelly replied:
Hi, Mary! I think it could definitely work with almond flour. You may need some xantham gum or maybe mix it with coconut flour to help thicken it a bit. Let me know if you try it with almond flour, I’m super curious. Cheers, Terra


My gramma used to make me peanut butter cookies, which was my “apple crisp”. The recipe looks good and I will make it, then both our grammas can see. I am now the gramma to my delightful granddaughter and can’t wait for her to come home from college and bake with me for Christmas. Funny how you have memories of your gramma and now you are one. I can only hope her thinking of me is as good as I felt. Thanks for the memories and Merry Christmas.
Terra Kelly replied:
Hi, Pamela! Peanut butter cookies are the best! Your post made me smile. Thank you for sharing, and have so much fun creating memories with your granddaughter. Hugs, Terra


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