Snickerdoodle Rugelach with Cranberry Orange Pecan Filling

What is a Snickerdoodle cookie?

 I’ve been asked this question a few times. My first answer is always “the most delicious cookie EVER!” That’s not very helpful though. So let’s discuss the best cookie in the world.

The Snickerdoodle cookie flavor is a mix between a sweet sugar cookie and a buttery cookie. Then to make it all perfect, you top the little morsel with lots of cinnamon. So good.

I first learned about a Snickerdoodle thanks to my Grammy. She made them for me and even sent care packages when I was miles away.

Thanks to Grandma, I have her special recipe. You can enjoy the recipe here.

Snickerdoodle Rugelach with Cranberry Orange Pecan Filling Blog by Terra Kelly

Wait, we gave Snickerdoodle all the attention but we need to chat about why we combined Snickerdoodle with a traditional Rugelach cookie. Rugelach is a pastry normally enjoyed during Hanukah. The filling in a Rugelach pastry is usually brown sugar and raisins mixed and topped over apricots. I know each recipe is unique but when you combine the two different buttery recipes it becomes the perfect combination.

Noah and Morgan, in Her Snickerdoodle (Man Card Book 14) were competing in a holiday competition. Not a Christmas competition. So their cookie tower is sure to grab everyone’s heart.

For this recipe, you experience a serious cookie fusion. Since Noah makes an award-winning Snickerdoodle batter, he had a wacky idea to combine the traditional Rugelach recipe and his  special Snickerdoodle recipe. The fusion worked.

Snickerdoodle Rugelach with Cranberry Orange Pecan Filling Blog by Terra Kelly

The dough for both cookies is light, buttery, and melts-in-your-mouth. To give the recipe some serious holiday flare, Morgan mixed up her special cranberry compote for the filling.

Noah and Morgan decided on the recipe. I had to then create the delicious dessert.

I’m happy to report, hubby gave them his stamp of approval.

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Snickerdoodle Rugelach with Cranberry Orange Pecan Filling Blog by Terra Kelly

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